Acquire essential business equipment while preserving cash flow. Loans have 12-72 month terms, with monthly payments often deductible as business expenses. Builds business credit.
Short term loans (6-18 months) to manage cash flow, seize growth opportunities, and cover temporary cash flow gaps.
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We're searching the KWIPPED supplier network for light construction inventory.
KWIPPED is an equipment rental marketplace. We'll send your request to our supplier network and they will provide quotes.
What if you financed new equipment...
...and the government paid the first 10 months?
*Tax benefits may vary. Consult your accountant.
KWIPPED offers unparalleled efficiency to source equipment rentals and leases from a global network of equipment suppliers.
Tell us where to send your quotes.
Eventually, we'll need a few more details to facilitate your rental/finance, but we know your time is valuable.
Do you want to submit the request now, or do you have some time to enter company details?
Just a little more information so we can verify your business.