Agilent 6850 Gas Chromatograph | Lease/Finance or Buy

Agilent 6850 Network GC System Gas Chromatograph

Agilent 6850 Network GC System Gas Chromatograph
Product Specifications
BRAND  Agilent
MODEL  6850
High productivity and low cost of ownership.
The 6850 is designed to help you get samples through your laboratory quickly.
Improved laboratory efficiency thanks to sample-centric software that works the way you do.
The performance of an Agilent 6890 GC performance-in half the footprint.
More than double the analytical capacity and sample throughput-without doubling your
laboratory space. Unprecedented up time from a GC that sets a
new standard for reliability and ease of maintenance.
An absolute minimum of GC system training time and cost.
A GC system so easy to use, every lab technician can be comfortable operating it.
Analytical measurements that can be closer to your chemical production processes
  • Small footprint: 56.8 cm L x 28.3 cm W x 49.0 cm H
  • Simplified user interface with six buttons on the front panel to view instrument status, choose one of five methods, and start or stop the analysis
  • Easy column replacement: unique top-opening lid allows safe, unobstructed access to column connections at the inlet and detector
  • Consistent fast temperature ramps and short cool-down times with no need for a higher-voltage power source due to small oven with less thermal mass.
  • Choice of detectors: flame ionization (FID); thermal conductivity (TCD); flame photometric (FPD), micro-electron capture (micro-ECD); (U.S. only), or 5977A mass selective (MSD)
  • Choice of Split/splitless (SSL), for fast-high-resolution for capillary columns; 150-psi Split/splitless, packed, cool on-column, or PTV inlets
  • Same EPC as full size GC allows all pressures and flows to be programmed into the method
  • Versatile autosampler accommodates 27 2-mL vials or 22 4-mL vials, with optional turret accessory
  • Cryogenic cooling to -20 °C with up to 50 % reduction in carbon dioxide consumption compared to a full-sized GC
  • Network-ready with a built-in local area network (LAN) communication interface
  • Software and Informatics

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