Applied Biosystems API 4000™ Mass Spectrometer | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Applied Biosystems API 4000™ Mass Spectrometer

Applied Biosystems API 4000™  Mass Spectrometer
Product Specifications
The API 4000™ LC-MS/MS System delivers high-performance quantitation and identification across a wide range of LC flow rates.
  • Proven Curtain Gas™ Interface technology, combined with improved gas dynamics, reduces maintenance and increases uptime.
  • Enhanced, high-flow-rate performance, reduced ionization suppression, self-cleaning probe design, and reliable interface are combined to produce accelerated productivity and high throughput.
  • Analyst® Software facilitates GLP compliance, including ability to support 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
Low limits of detection: The high sensitivity of the API 4000 System ensures low detection limits. Efficient ionization and superior ion sampling of the interface result in excellent sensitivity.
Flexible options increase throughput: Easy-to-use Turbo V Source allows you to quantitate over a wide range of flow rates and to change rapidly between atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and TurboIonSpray Probes. The optional DuoSpray Ion Source accelerates method development and increases both throughput and data quality. An additional option for APCI, the PhotoSpray Source, expands the range of compounds you can analyze.
Automated data acquisition: Innovative software applications enable automated MS to MS/MS acquisition, allowing you to extract the maximum amount of information from a single LC-MS run.
Rugged, reliable, and easy-to-use: The superior ionization efficiency, enhanced robustness, and ease-of-use of the innovative Turbo V Source, combined with the patented LINAC Collision Cell, delivers high performance and high productivity with greater confidence in your results.
Fast, secure access to information for DMPK studies: Integration with Analyst Software and its powerful data acquisition and processing capabilities provides fast, secure access to the information you need for DMPK studies.
API 4000™ LC-MS/MS System Features

Detector Type: Pulse-counting channel electron (CEM) detector

Ionization Sources: TurbolonSpray Ion Source; Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) souces; DuoSpray and PhotoSpray Ion Source

Scan Types:  Q1 MS, Q3 MS, Product Ion, Precursor Ion, Neutral Loss or Gain, MRM

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