BW GasAlert Extreme Single Gas SO2 Monitor | Lease/Finance or Buy

BW GasAlert Extreme Single Gas SO2 Monitor

BW GasAlert Extreme Single Gas SO2 Monitor
Designed with durability and comfort in mind, BW Technologies' GasAlert Extreme reliably monitors for any single gas hazard within its wide range of available toxic gas models. With easy on/off operation, this single gas detector offers extended longevity with a two year field-replaceable battery and sensor. A wide range of user options, multilanguage display and datalogging functionality make the GasAlert Extreme ideal for many applications.
  • Visual, vibrating, and 95 dB audible alarms for high, low, STEL, and TWA
  • Direct real-time gas concentrations on large LCD display
  • Self-tests at every startup for sensor integrity, battery status, circuit integrity, and audible/visual alarms
  • UL-approved Class I, Div 1, Groups A-D, Class II, Div 1, Groups E-G

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