CET GLS Compact Composite Sampler | Rent, Finance, or Buy

CET GLS Compact Composite Sampler

CET GLS Compact Composite Sampler
A compact, but full featured priority pollutant sampler.

The GLS Sampler is designed for general purpose or priority pollutant sampling in municipal and industrial applications where a full-size sampler is too large. It collects composite samples, based on time or flow intervals, in 1- or 2.5-gallon glass or polyethylene bottles, or in 2-gallon disposable ProPak® bags. With GLS's simplified programming, setup takes less than a minute. In the field, the operator simply calls up the program with two keystrokes, presses the "go" button - and the sampling routine begins. You can also key in an alternate program in the field, without losing your stored program.

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