Dräger's TUTOR fire extinguisher training simulator provides for an excellent set-up to safely practice the use of manual fire extinguishers. The task is to extinguish gas-fired flames in a fire pan. The effect of the extinguishing action is being determined by the trainer who switches the fire on and off.
The TUTOR enables the realistic simulation of a multitude of fire scenarios. Different mock-ups are available to simulate fires including: waste baskets, electric motors, flammable storage lockers, and range tops.
The Dräger TUTOR is specifically designed for training with manual fire extinguishers.
Completely manufactured using polished stainless steel.
The TUTOR is designed to be transported by light vehicles (pickup truck, utility trailer, or van).
Each TUTOR fire extinguisher trainer is equipped with a tethered remote control, with an emergency cut-off switch.
The TUTOR is tested and approved at the factory by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and bears the respective marking for gas safety.
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