The Fiske 2400 Multi-Sample osmometer gives you freezing-point technology, automated sample handling for up to 20 samples and requires only a 20uL sample size. This valuable clinical tool provides your laboratory with multiple functions: toxin screening, osmotically-active concentration monitoring, hyponatremia evaluation, and urine and stool analysis. A test sequence can be interrupted to run a stat sample without affecting the ongoing process. The Fiske 2400 Multi-Sample Osmometer tests up to 20 samples without supervision, allowing your valuable personnel to concentrate on other tasks. With the push of a button, all calibration adjustments are made by the onboard microprocessor.
sample size: 20uL
sample capacity: 20 samples
test throughput: 35 to 40 tests per hour
units: mOsm/kg H2O
range: 0 to 2000 mOsm/kg H2O
linearity: less than 1% from straight line
repeatability: 0 - 400 mOsm/kg H2O: +/-3 (+/-1 S.D.) 400 - 2000 mOsm/kg H2O: +/-.75% (+/-1 S.D.)
resolution: 1mOsm/kg H2O
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