Keysight (Formerly Agilent) E8267D-544 | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Keysight (Formerly Agilent) E8267D-544

Keysight (Formerly Agilent) E8267D-544
Product Specifications
The Keysight E8267D -544 is one of the brands' famous vector signal generators from its PSG line. The E8267D-544 offers up to 4GHz of bandwidth allowing you simulate complex electromagnetic environments.
Key Features & Specifications of the Keysight, formerly Agilent E8267D-544:
  • 100 kHz to 13, 20, 31.8, or 44 GHz (0.001 Hz resolution). Extendable to 75, 90, 110, 140, 220, 325, 500, 750 or 1100 GHz millimeter-wave frequency extenders
  • 23 dBm from 0.4 to 20 GHz and 18 dBm @ 40 GHz output power (typical)
  • External I/Q inputs provide 160 MHz (extendable to 4 GHz) RF modulation bandwidth
  • SSB phase noise with Option UNY: -143 dBc/Hz (typical) for a 1 GHz signal at 10 kHz offset
Modulation and sweep:
  • AM, FM, and pulse
  • ASK, FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM, custom I/Q
  • Step, list, and ramp sweep frequency and power
  • Source control using PSA Series Option 215
Baseband generation and signal creation
  • Internal baseband generator (80 MHz RF BW): arbitrary waveform and real-time I/Q
  • Compatible with M8190A wideband arbitrary waveform generator
  • Create reference signals: radar, multitone, NPR, custom modulation, WLAN, GPS/GNSS, MATLAB, and more

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