The triple quadrupole LCMS-8045 is the workhorse instrument in the Shimadzu LC-MS/MS lineup, designed to be analyzing samples around the clock. The heated ESI probe, high-temperature heating block, heated desolvation line, drying gas, and focusing optics all act to maximize sensitivity while minimizing contamination. This means continuous operation in the laboratory with reliable data collection, even for complex matrices like biological fluids or foods.
Instrument Detection Limits (IDL)
Instrument Detection Limit is one measure of sensitivity for analytical instrumentation. The chromatograms to the right show the IDL for Reserpine and Chloramphenicol, obtained using ESI+ and ESI-, respectively. The IDL for Reserpine is 2.03 femtograms and 2.09 femtograms for Chloramphenicol.
Shimadzu's mass spectrometry interface includes a high-sensitivity heated ESI source, heated capillary sample introduction, and proprietary ion transfer optics. These design features combine to produce robust mass spec performance. As shown below, 12,000 plasma samples were injected over 25 days (over 480 samples per day). Picogram levels of alprazolam were analyzed with an RSD of 3.42%.
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