Leica DM 2500 M Microscope | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Leica DM 2500 M Material Analysis Microscope

Product Specifications
BRAND  Leica
MODEL  DM 2500 M
Designed for materials analysis and quality control. Its unique concept improves the workflow and allows the user to concentrate entirely on the work at hand.

It will show you how simple and reliable microscopy can be. Its combination of intuitive operation and the highest quality optics provides rapid, accurate results. A wide selection of objectives is available. Leica Microsystems’ N PLAN (achromatic) and Plan Fluotar (semi-apochromatic) objectives, for example, deliver pin-sharp image quality with all contrast methods.

The Leica DM2500 M’s wide image fields reduce the time needed to scan samples and analyze the structures of interest. Images are always high-contrast and full of detail.

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