Fully-automatic power factor test set also known as the Delta 2000. Measured quantities include voltage, current, power (loss), power factor, dissipation factor and capacitance. Continuously adjustable output from 0 to 12 kV. Designed to work in high interference switchyards up to 765 kV. Performs all standard Ungrounded Specimen Tests (UST) and Grounded Specimen Tests (GST). Built-in capability for storing, printing and downloading test results.
Capacitance Range 1 pF to 1.1 uF
Output Voltage: 0 to 12 kV continuously variable
Output Current: 100 mA continuous, maximum 200 mA (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off, 8 tests)
Weight: 172 lbs (control unit, power unit, cables)
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