Mettler Toledo RE40 Spectrophotometer | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Mettler Toledo RE40 Refractometer

Product Specifications
BRAND  Mettler Toledo
  • Determines refractive index of liquid samples
  • Measures samples with a refractive index between 1.3200 and 1.7000.
  • Temperature kept constant between 15 and 70°C with built-in Peltier thermostat (no water bath needed)
  • Memory contains ten adjustable methods
  • Displays the sugar content of samples in BRIX degrees
  • Displays the concentration of solutions with tables
  • Can store up to 100 measured values. 
  • Performs statistical evaluations including mean value, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation and allows result recalculations
  • Maintenance-free LED light source
  • Inputs: Printer (to connect an external printer), AUX (to connect a barcode scanner), and RS232C (to connect a personal computer or a Density Meter)
  • 100-240 VAC

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