Photovac Voyager Gas Chromatograph | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Photovac Voyager Gas Chromatograph

Photovac Voyager Gas Chromatograph
BRAND  Photovac
The most technologically advanced portable GC in the world. Rechargeable and field-replaceable batteries allow up to eight hours of field use, or the option to operate off external AC or DC sources. Voyager’s powerful analytical engine is composed of a built-in three-column configuration with an isothermal oven for fast GC analysis for up to 40 factory-programmed EPA listed VOCs. With a miniaturized PID/ECD dual detection system, it’s easy to see why the Photovac Voyager is truly unique.
Chromatograms and/or tabular results are easily viewed in the field using the built-in backlit LCD screen. Voyager’s data logging stores a full day of field results, which can conveniently be uploaded to a PC in the field or office.

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