Proceq Profometer 5+ Concrete Tester | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Proceq Profometer 5+ Rebar Concrete Tester

Proceq Profometer 5+ Rebar Concrete Tester
Product Specifications
BRAND  Proceq
MODEL  Profometer 5+
The Profometer 5+ cover meter is a sophisticated device for the non destructive location of rebars and for the measurement of concrete cover and bar diameters, using the eddy current principle with pulse induction as the measuring method. As well as detecting the rebar diameter accurately to the millimeter by only one measuring procedure, the cover meter Profometer 5+ offers the transmission of the measured data to a PC. This supersedes the time consuming business of note taking, allowing the user to focus on the essential. Proceq offers two different models of the Profometer 5+ cover meter, each designed to meet the individual needs of the customer:Profometer 5+ cover meter Model S (Basic Unit) performs the following functions:Locating rebarConcrete cover meterStoring individual cover values and statistical evaluationDetermining the bar diameters The following standards can be applied to the cover meter: BS 1881 part 204 / DIN 1045 / SN 505 262 / DGZfP B2 (recommendation)

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