Thermo Fisher Scientific MaxQ 6000 Incubator | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Thermo MaxQ 6000 Incubated/Refrigerated Stackable Shakers

Product Specifications
BRAND  Thermo Fisher Scientific
MODEL  MaxQ 6000
Stackable units accept flasks up to 6L Two adjustable-height shelves provide added storage Choose from two temperature ranges to fulfill a variety of molecular biology, protein expression or plasmid purification studies Available in incubated or refrigerated models Precisely monitor and control chamber temperature over complete range with ᄆ0.1ᄚC accuracy at 37ᄚC with PID temperature controller Overtemperature safety feature with independent thermostat provides additional backup by controlling heat if main temperature controller fails Solid-state DC brushless motor, variable speed control from 15 to 500rpm Continuous and timed operation from 0.1 hour up to 999 hours or 0.1 minute to 999 minutes View speed, operating time and temperature simultaneously on three individual LED displays, which help minimize errors in establishing running conditions Displayed time counts up during continuous operation and down during timed runs

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