The personalDataRam™ (model pDR-1200) performs active sampling applications and aerosol sizing. The pDR-1200 requires a vacuum pump module to perform particle size selective measurements under field conditions. The separate pump (not included) is required for active sampling and aerosol sizing. With optional inlet accessories, the pDR-1200 is excellent for ambient air measurements under variable wind and high humidity conditions. It is ideal for respirable, thoracic, and PM2.5 monitoring, as well as continuous emission and test chamber monitoring. With an isokinetic sampling set, the pDR-1200 can be used for stack and duct extractive sampling monitoring. Membrane filters can be used to capture particles for particles for subsequent laboratory analysis.
Key Features
Light-scattering photometer offers high correlation with gravimetric measurement of respirable and thoracic fractions with optimal response to 0.1-10µm size particles
Unit is gravimetrically calibrated in mg/m and is ready to use after easy zeroing step
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