Thermo Fisher Scientific 2100 ICP Mass Spectrometer | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Thermo Scientific/Dionex 2100 ICP Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Scientific/Dionex 2100 ICP Mass Spectrometer
Product Specifications
BRAND  Thermo Fisher Scientific
MODEL  2100
The ICS-2100 system is the first Reagent-Free™ ion chromatography system with electrolytic sample preparation (RFIC-ESP™ system) and eluent generation (RFIC-EG™ system) capabilities designed to perform all types of electrolytically generated isocratic and gradient IC separations using conductivity detection. Microbore 2 mm columns and standard bore 4 mm columns are fully supported.
The ICS-2100 RFIC-ESP system now provides automation for many sample preparation techniques with multiple valving configurations and support for electrolytic sample preparation devices.
The ICS-2100 system provides high performance with unequalled ease-of-use when coupled with an AutoSuppression® device, such as the SRS® 300 suppressor. Chromeleon®software provides full control and digital data collection from a PC using simple USB connectivity.
Key Features:
  • Automated eluent generation
  • LCD front panel control
  • Dual-piston pump
  • Column heater
  • Electrolytic suppression
  • Digital conductivity detection
  • Vacuum degas (option)
  • USB connectivity, plug-n-play

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