Waters Acquity TQD Mass Spectrometer | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Waters Acquity TQD Mass Spectrometer

Waters Acquity TQD Mass Spectrometer
Product Specifications
The Waters ACQUITY TQD features the highest levels of tandem quadrupole MS selectivity, robustness, speed, and accuracy for quantitative analysis. The ACQUITY TQD provides superlative analytical detection limits, resolution and sample throughput for bioanalysis, ADME screening, food safety, environmental monitoring, clinical and forensic applications, and more.

The Waters® ACQUITY® TQ Detector is an advanced bench top tandem quadrupole mass detector designed for ultra high performance LC/MS/MS applications. With a wide range of ionization options including Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization (APPI) and the Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP), the TQ Detector is ideally suited for a wide range of qualitative and quantitative applications. The system includes IntelliStart™ Technology, for automated system optimization and status
  • Dual Orthogonal API source maximizes longevity, protects it from dirty samples and allows easy cleaning without breaking vacuum
  • Automated system checks and simplified user interface for ease-of-use
  • Optimized MS/MS detection for demanding quantitative applications
  • Rapid data acquisition rates for the best in accuracy and reproducibility of chromatographic peak area measurement
  • ZSpray atmospheric pressure ionization interface
  • Industry-leading multimode capability in a single run
  • Smallest MS/MS footprint
  • Operates at the highest data acquisition rates (utilizing T-Wave collision cell, multi-mode ionization, and rapid polarity switching technologies)


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