Waters SYNAPT MALDI Mass Spectrometer | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Waters SYNAPT MALDI Mass Spectrometer

Waters SYNAPT MALDI Mass Spectrometer
Product Specifications
The  Waters Q-Tof Maldi SYNAPT Mass Spectrometer, (utilizing Waters patented Triwave technology),combines high-efficiency, ion-mobility based measurements and separations with high-performance quadrupole, time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
  • Enhanced Duty Cycle — Enables enhanced sensitivity over targeted m/z ranges for detection of modified componentsMALDI — Exchangeable vacuum MALDI source enabling large scale MALDI MS and MS/MS analyses—compatible with 96- and 384-spot target plates
  • High sensitivity — High transmission efficiency of ZSpray source technology, T-Wave ion optics, T-Wave collision cell and oa-Tof transmission result in high sensitivity
  • High resolution — Up to 17,500 FWHM with W-Optics
  • High mass measurement capability — Routine exact mass measurement (3 ppm RMS) in MS and MS/MS with LockSpray and NanoLockSpray
  • Enhanced speed — Faster TDC (4 GHZ) delivers acquisition speeds of up to 20 spectra per second—compatible with UPLC-based separations
  • Dynamic Range Enhancement (pDRE) — Equipped with programmable DRE function, which enables quantitation and exact mass measurement over 4 orders of magnitude
  • Resolving quadrupole — 4, 8 and 32k Da options
  • m/z range — up to 100,000 in V-Optics

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