XDR Anatomic Sensor size 1 | Rent, Finance, or Buy

XDR Anatomic Sensor size 1

XDR Anatomic Sensor size 1
Product Description:
Image Quality
If you're not getting a diagnostic radiograph, then what's the point?
  • Spatial Resolution. Can you see the tip of your #6 file? With 20 line pair/mm measured resolution (26.3 lp/mm theoretical), the answer will be obvious.
  • Signal To Noise Ratio. Can you see Lincoln's facial features? This demonstrates the ability to detect density variations of less than 2%, so you can see the subtlest of dental lesions.
  • Maximum Mesial Coverage. Wishing for an easier time capturing that canine-premolar contact? 2mm less of mesial dead space empowers your auxiliaries.
  • Technology. Don't want yesterday's technology? We start with a CMOS chip and pixels 19 microns in size. Next is the fiber optic plate which cleans up the image by preventing extraneous X-ray photon collection. And finally, optically coupled at sub-micron tolerances, is the columnar Cesium Iodide scintillation layer.
When the patient is more comfortable, you'll capture the radiograph you're looking for.
  • Rounded Corners. The sensor should be contoured to the mouth, not vice versa. With a 6mm radius of corner curvature, no other size-2 sensor is more rounded.
  • Broader Contact Zone. Where the sensor meets soft tissue, the flatter the better. So the corners are subtly beveled to broaden the contact zone. And our tests with PIP bear out that the pressure on the soft tissues is more evenly distributed.
  • Sensor Sizes. Sometimes anatomy wins, and a rigid size-2 sensor just can't get close enough to the lingual side of the anteriors, nor follow the curvature of the anterior arch form. A narrower size-1 sensor gets the proper anterior PA. And when a smaller mouth walks through the door, the size-1 handles it.
  • Girth. Why insert something bulky? This tapered sensor thins to 5mm, and no sensor's cord attachment "button" is smaller.
The operatory is hectic enough. So the easier, the better.
  • USB. From sensor plate to computer, this direct USB interface needs no box or in-cable electronics. And its more manageable 2-meter cord can be extended with off-the-shelf hubs.
  • White Face. It's dark in there. Best intraoral technique requires seeing exactly where the sensor is, so this brighter face better reflects limited lighting.
  • Sleek Button. What about between patients? The small, smooth button on the back has no crevices to complicate cleaning.
  • Immersibility. What if the barrier tears? Sometimes there's no substitute for cold sterilization in glutaraldehyde. Or maybe you just want to rinse the sensor under the tap.
You just want it to work.
  • Kevlar. Yes, the same Kevlar that's used in bullet proof vests gives the cord surprising tensile strength. This cord has never come apart from the attached sensor plate.
  • Hermetic Seal. No fluids, no contaminants, not even air gets into this sensor plate.
  • Thin Cord. Because it needs only four signal wires along its entire length, the cord can be thinner, decreasing the likelihood of being bitten.
  • Sturdier Cord Sheath. Because the cord is so thin, its sheath and be thicker and stronger, decreasing the likelihood of damage even when bitten.
  • Repair Option. Was the cord damaged? Cord replacement is an inexpensive option to replacing the entire sensor.

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