The Zeiss OPMI Lumera S7 microscope is the best in red reflex technology. Lumera Stereo Coaxial Illumination allows the user enhanced detail recognition, high-contrast, and superior stability, even in strongly pigmented, decentered, and ametropic eyes. The floor stand of the OPMI Lumera S7 is compact and easily maneuverable.
Instant red reflex – As soon as you turn on the light, the eye illuminates brightly as if you had just turned on a lamp – even with many mature cataracts.
Deep View depth of field management – Choose between maximum depth of field and optimum light transmission at the push of a button.
SCI (Stereo Coaxial Illumination) – High contrast and detail recognition provide superior visualization for optimum results
Always light – If a bulb goes out, the system automatically switches over to a backup halogen bulb.
Intuitive operation - Illumination settings are configured on a single, easy-to-use control element which can be easily reached on the microscope.
Stereo observation tube – This optional add-on feature allows a second surgeon to see the surgical field at the same magnification level.
MedLive Trio Eye – An optional video camera is ideal when video recording is needed. The defaults for the posterior and anterior segments of the eye allows the user to adjust the camera to the different light conditions at the push of a button.
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