X-Ray Film Processors | Rent, Finance Or Buy On KWIPPED

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X-Ray Film Processors

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54 X-Ray Film Processor Suppliers
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X-Ray Film Processor Description

If you need to rent one of these processors, you have to consider a range of factors before you choose. First, you need to know just how large the processors are that you are considering, so you can be sure they will fit well into your space at the clinic. You should also consider the features, how long it will take for the images to process, and the ease of use of the machine.

Features of x-ray film processors

It is highly important that only trained technicians are using these processors. This will ensure that the images are developed and processed properly, and that there will be no need to call in the patient for another X-ray.

How x-ray film processors work

In order to produce a visible radiographic image, the film needs to be processed through an X-ray film processor. The machine takes the latent image that is on the film and turns it visible by converting it to black metallic silver and then removes the excess developer during the wash stage. During the fixing and hardening stage, the processor will dissolve silver halide crystals that were unexposed. More washing will remove the products created during the processing, and then the X-ray is dried. Using a machine that can handle these tasks for you helps to make it far easier to develop quality images that are useful for the dentist.

About x-ray film processors

X-rays have been a part of the medical and dental field for many years now, and while there are other methods of getting imaging, such as X-ray sensors, these are still in use in many dental clinics. The X-rays can provide the dentist with an in depth look at a patient’s jaws and teeth, and they can then determine what is wrong with the patient and the best way to go about caring for their dental problems.

However, before the dentist is able to make those determinations, they need to have the X-ray in hand. With the film X-rays, this means that after the image is taken, it needs to be processed properly. While some offices might have to send the images out to have them processed offsite, it is far more convenient to have an X-ray processor right in the clinic.

X-Ray Film Processor Manufacturers

Manufacturers that make dental X-ray film processors include Dent-X, SXR, Dental USA, AFP, Runyes, Durr Dental, Dentsply, Air Techniques, and VELOPLEX.

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