Philips OmniLab CPAP | Rent, Finance, or Buy

Respironics OmniLab Advanced Titration System

Respironics OmniLab Advanced Titration System
Product Specifications
BRAND  Philips
MODEL  OmniLab
The OmniLab now offers 8 therapy modes. You can access all 8 modes and multiple, advanced technologies directly from your computer to give you the flexibility to titrate more types of patients than ever before. The additional modes now available are Auto CPAP and Auto Bi-level. Technologies include our market leading BiPAP autoSV Advanced and BiPAP AVAPS algorithms. It includes timestamped mode and pressure changes throughout the night for later review and captures final therapeutic settings into an automatically-generated prescription for added convenience.

  • 8 Therapy Modes:
    • 2 CPAP Modes:
      • CPAP (with C-Flex, C-Flex+) - For OSA patients.
      • Auto CPAP (with C-Flex, C-Flex+) - For OSA patients.
    • 6 Bi-Level Modes:
      • Auto Bi-Level (with Bi-Flex): For OSA patients and CPAP rescue patients.
      • BiPAP S (with AVAPS): For OSA patients.
      • BiPAP ST (with AVAPS): For COPD, obesity hypoventilation, and neuromuscular disorder patients.
      • BiPAP autoSV Advanced (with Bi-Flex): For Complex patients with central or mixed apneas and periodic breathing.
      • T (Timed): For COPD and neuromuscular disorder patients.
      • PC (Pressure Controlled): For neuromuscular disordered patients (ALS).

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